Our clinical-grade placebo capsules are free.

Finding a programable blank pill to trigger your placebo response is not as simple as you might think. So we thought it would be nice to create a clinical grade placebo capsule you can use to study your placebo response for free.

Placebo Care™ pills are 100% organic rice hull (oryza sativa) in a vegan capsule (hypermellose). A natural insoluble fiber that contains no gluten, sugar, or other fillers, Placebo Care™ pills pass thru your digestive system without any metabolic dietary effects.

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Pure Placebo Pills


Healing Study placebo capsules are free.

Each bottle contains 30 each, 100% organic placebos. To complete a 30-day Healing Study, please request 3 free bottles.

Shipping charges in the United States are $6.50 for 3 bottles.

The Nubellum Clinical Grade Placebo is formulated to contain no stimulants, chemicals or active ingredients. Our clinical grade placebo pills are 100% organic rice hull (oryza sativa) in a vegan capsule (hypermellose). A natural insoluble fiber that contains no gluten, sugar, or other fillers, Placebo Care™ pills pass thru your digestive system without any metabolic dietary effects.

To support 21 day placebo programming, please request 3 free bottles, a total of 90 placebos.

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